Dental Prosthetics Types

Dental Prosthetics Types

Dental Prosthetics Types

Dental Prosthetics Types | TOC

Crowns, dentures and implants are just a few Types of prosthetics . But what options are there to replace missing teeth? And which dentures are suitable for you? Get an overview of the various options and restorations

Smiling dentist showing an Dental Prosthetics Types

What Types of Dental Prosthesis are There?

Fixed Dentures

Crown:  Tooth crown can replace larger parts of a damaged tooth. The artificial crown is placed on the broken tooth and glued to it. This form of fixed Prosthetics is mostly used when a tooth filling is no longer an alternative to treatment because the tooth is too badly damaged by accident or decay.

Bridge: A dental bridge can replace one or more teeth. The adjacent, natural teeth are crowned and serve as bridge abutments. Accordingly, they must be strong and have healthy tooth roots to keep the bridge stable.

Dental implant: Implants are anchored directly in the jawbone. A complete implant consists of three parts: artificial tooth root (is anchored in the bone), a connecting piece (abutment) and the visible tooth replacement.

Removable Prosthesis

Full denture: A full denture is used as a dental prosthesis if there are no longer any natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw or in both jaws. It is used in such a way that it sinks into the mucous membrane as a result of chewing pressure.

Partial denture / Clasp denture: Partial dentures are used when there are not enough anchoring options for a bridge. i.e. more than six natural teeth are missing. It is attached to the remaining teeth with brackets.

Combined Dentures

Telescopic prosthesis: This is a partial prosthesis that is attached to telescopic crowns. The crowns are firmly anchored while the prosthesis can be removed.

Attachment prosthesis: This type of denture works without any visible connecting elements. Here, crowns are placed on the abutment teeth. The attachment is attached to these crowns and the prosthesis is pushed over them.

Bar prosthesis: This is a firmly connected, artificial row of teeth that is anchored on a bar. The implant-supported dentures can be removed again for cleaning.

Push-button prosthesis: This prosthesis works on the push-button principle. Hollow forms are incorporated into the dental prosthesis, which can snap into place on their counterpart. This counterpart is attached to the natural, ground teeth or alternatively to dental implants.

Female dentist explaining Dental Prosthetics Types

Prosthesis Materials

There are mainly three groups of dental prosthesis materials.

Prosthesis Made of Metals

(e.g. Gold, Titanium, Amalgam, Palladium)

Pure metals are never used, but metal alloys (a mixture of several metals). Dental metals still have some disadvantages such as: corrosion, toxicity, allergies, electrical conduction / antenna effect.

If you choose metals, you should make sure that no different alloys are used. The more different the metal alloys are, the stronger the corrosion. As a result, harmful metal ions are released, which burden the entire body and can accumulate in individual organs.

In addition, all metals used in dentistry can trigger allergies and produce an antenna effect. Frequencies in the vicinity of the person affected can intensify electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic radiation can affect the brain.

How damaging metals ultimately are in dentures depends on several factors:

Disposition (e.g. to allergies)

Composition of the metal alloy

Processing and quantity of metals


Duration of the exposure time

Localization (where do the metals go? Do they stay in the jaw or do they get into the brain?)

Dentures Made of Plastics

Plastics (composites) are an inexpensive alternative to metals. However, they also have a number of disadvantages.

Loads such as heat can quickly discolor and brittle dentures based on plastic. Mechanical wear and tear occurs through chewing, pressing and grinding. Alcohol can dissolve components from the plastic. In addition, plastics can shrink over time, so that fillings no longer fit exactly and bacteria penetrate the depths of the tooth unnoticed. This material is therefore used more as a temporary solution or for small defects. In addition, plastics, like amalgam, can cause health damage:


Changes in genes

Effect on hormones


Prosthesis Made Ceramics

Ceramic is mainly used in crowns and implants.

All-ceramic implants have a number of very positive properties such as:

good compatibility

no antenna effect

good optics

no corrosion and thus exposure to metal compounds

Ceramic crowns are a lot less noticeable than gold or titanium crowns. Ceramic is often used for veneers (wafer-thin veneers), as the material can be adapted to your own tooth color. Ceramic is also particularly well tolerated by the gums. With metal crowns or metal implants, the gums appear reddened and irritated and in some cases even recede.


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